Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lucky Number Seven!!!

I can not believe it. My little girl is 7. It is crazy how fast time flies. Joe & I took the kids to Lagoon with Josh, Jessie & Kylee. It was SO much fun. Alexis said it was "my best birthday EVER". I didn't bring my camera to Lagoon because we went on so many water rides and I didn't want the camera to get ruined. Here are some pictures of Lexi with her ice cream cake later that night. Her favorite ride was the Rattlesnake Rapids. We all got pretty soaked on that one. It was funny, we took Jaden & Lexi on the Tidal Wave and it really freaked Lexi out. While Lexi was talking to her daddy after riding it she whispered: "I think my mommy is trying to kill me!" It was kind of funny. I didn't think she would be as afraid as she was from going on the Tidal Wave.

1 comment:

Chels said...

It is so funny that she thought you were going to kill her :) I remember feeling like that several times growing up. When you get hyper and crazed there is no stopping you, but you are always a good time :)