Friday, July 31, 2009

Jaden's Surgery

Jaden had surgery on Wednesday to separate his fingers. He had this surgery once before when he was 8 months old. He was born with something called Poland Syndrome, he is missing his left pectoral muscle. As a side effect of this a lot of kids have abnormalities with their hands. Jaden was very fortunate. He has all 5 fingers and knuckles. Some kids don't have any fingers. Anyway, the surgery was to help separate some webbing of his fingers. This should help his hand to be more functional for Jaden. He already uses it like normal but he should be able to manipulate things better with his fingers now. He was really excited to have the surgery to get his hand fixed a little bit. His hand is smaller than his right hand which was not affected. It will never be the same size, but that's okay, it makes Jaden unique. =) Here are some pictures from before and after his surgery. We won't get to see his hand for a month when his soft cast will come off.


The Swenson Fam! said...

Oh what a brave little boy! He's such a cutie! I'm glad that the surgery went ok, I didn't even know he was having one. Tuff little guy!

Clayton, Jen, and Millie said...

He is so cute and so brave! I am happy that the surgery went well. I hope everything goes well with the recovery. I am sure he can't wait to get that cast off!

Chels said...

I am glad it went well and I hope he recovers soon!

Ann said...

What a cutie, so glad that his hand wasn't affected too much. Hope he has a speedy recovery. Kids are amazing that way though, nothing keeps them down.